H index scopus significado
•The principle citation databases used in this exercise are: Web of Science (WoS), Scopus and Google Scholar (GS) and the pros and cons of using each of the three databases to calculate the h-index are discussed below •The h-index defined: a researcher has an h-index of 25 if 25 of their papers have been cited at least 25 times Scopus Indexed Journals: Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed journals which contains more than 70 Million items like scientific articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, lecture notes, and books.Most of the journals Indexed by Scopus are paid one and very few journals publish the article for free of cost On the Author details page, click the button called View h-graph to generate the h-index: On the h-graph page (Analyze author output), you can adjust different variables and recalculate the h-index. In addition to adjusting the date range, you can exclude self-citations and/or citations from books and update the graph: H-Index Calculator. Scientists and scholars can measure the impact and relevance of their scientific output by calculating their h-index score. The h-index is an author-level metric based on a person's number of papers and citation number.
Academic Institutions: Access to relevant content to empower research productivity. Scopus is designed to serve the research information needs of researchers, educators, administrators, students and librarians across the entire academic community. Checking a researcher and tenure candidate's production, citations and h-index, and comparing
5 Nov 2019 Created by Google Scholar and used in Google's My Citations feature. i10-Index = the number of publications with at least 10 citations. 13 Nov 2019 Las revistas se ordenan en un ranking de mayor a menor factor de Una de las herramientas fundamentales es Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Incluye información contenida en la base de datos Scopus (de Elsevier BV). 24 Ene 2020 El EMERGING SOURCES CITATION INDEX contiene un índice de todas las Journal & Country Rank) para las revistas incluidas en Scopus. 20 Set 2016 O Índice-H é um importante indicador de qualidade e relevância na produção científica. Para obter o Índice-H dos periódicos da base Scopus (Figura 1) acessar a base por Talking to your researchers about the h-index. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Scopus is an abstract and citation database that has stored and analyzed millions of publications including journal articles, as well as conference proceedings and books. Scopus is a subscription-based service, but when you are on the campus network, you probably have access to it. But even if you do not have access via your institution, you can use the free author look-up to query your h-index.
To manually calculate your h-index, organize articles in descending order, based on the number of times they have been cited (see below example). Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar can also be used to calculate an h-index for that particular citation-tracking database.
TJPRC is one of the world's largest Scopus Indexed Journals publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access Scopus Journal List. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the world. With the help of our academic Editors, based in institutions around the globe, we are able to focus on serving our h-index är ett mått för citeringsanalys, som beskriver både produktivitet och räckvidd i publicering för en forskare eller akademiker.. Kortfattat innebär ett h-index på 10 att en person är medförfattare till minst 10 artiklar där varje artikel blivit citerad minst 10 gånger. From this page, you can also view the author's h-index, h-Graph and "Citation Overview". Refer to the quick links in the "Scopus search guide & tutorial" box on the right to access the search guide and tutorial to learn more. i10-Index = the number of publications with at least 10 citations. This very simple measure is only used by Google Scholar, and is another way to help gauge the productivity of a scholar. Advantages of i10-Index. Very simple and straightforward to calculate. My Citations in Google Scholar is free and easy to use. Disadvantages of i10-Index.
Below are instructions for obtaining your h-index from Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Web of Science. Web of Science provides citation counts for articles indexed within it. It indexes over 12,000 journals in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. To find an author's h-index in WOS:
H-Index. web of science, scopus, citationer, google scholar, h-index, publish or perish. print; H-index, også benævnt Hirsch index (efter opfinderen, fysikeren Jorge E. Hirsch), eller Highly Cited Index, blev introduceret i 2005.H-index, der i ét tal afspejler en forfatters produktivitet, såvel kvantitativt som kvalitativt, er et alternativ til traditionelle metoder der typisk fokuserer Originally Scopus only contained article data from 1996 to the present, however they are now updating pre-1996 cited references going back to 1970 so authors with articles published from 1970-1995 may see their h-index increase over time. Finding H-index in Scopus. Using an author search, find all the publications in the database for an individual. The use of h-index aims at identifying researchers with more papers and relevant impact over a period of time. 3.1 Limitations of the h-index. Caution needs to be exercised while calculating the h-index. The value of the h-index you get depends on the database used for calculating the number of citations. TJPRC is one of the world's largest Scopus Indexed Journals publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access Scopus Journal List. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the world. With the help of our academic Editors, based in institutions around the globe, we are able to focus on serving our h-index är ett mått för citeringsanalys, som beskriver både produktivitet och räckvidd i publicering för en forskare eller akademiker.. Kortfattat innebär ett h-index på 10 att en person är medförfattare till minst 10 artiklar där varje artikel blivit citerad minst 10 gånger. From this page, you can also view the author's h-index, h-Graph and "Citation Overview". Refer to the quick links in the "Scopus search guide & tutorial" box on the right to access the search guide and tutorial to learn more.
So, Scopus determines h the same way any other source does: take the collection of papers of interest (it does NOT have to be an individual author's papers - any collection of papers has an h index).
Displays the h-index in either graph or table form for a single author, multiple authors, or a group of selected documents.. The h-index is based on the highest number of papers included that have had at least the same number of citations.The h-index value appears on the tab label.. The graph includes two lines: h-index and the 450 line: The h-index represents the number citations received for H-Index The H-index is a popular measure of publishing impact, where an author's H-index is represented by the number of papers (h) with a citation number ≥ h. For example, a scientist with an H-index of 14 has published numerous papers, 14 of which have been cited at least 14 times. This paper compares the h-indices of a list of highly-cited Israeli researchers based on citations counts retrieved from the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar respectively. In several case the results obtained through Google Scholar are considerably different from the results based on the Web of Science and Scopus. Data cleansing is discussed extensively. For details about Scopus's Citation Overview and the h-index, refer to the "Impact of Authors" page. 5. If you select more documents than Scopus can process in the web interface, the Citation Tracker page opens to ask you for an e-mail address so that a Citation Tracker in CSV format can be generated for you.
TJPRC is one of the world's largest Scopus Indexed Journals publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access Scopus Journal List. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the world. With the help of our academic Editors, based in institutions around the globe, we are able to focus on serving our h-index är ett mått för citeringsanalys, som beskriver både produktivitet och räckvidd i publicering för en forskare eller akademiker.. Kortfattat innebär ett h-index på 10 att en person är medförfattare till minst 10 artiklar där varje artikel blivit citerad minst 10 gånger. From this page, you can also view the author's h-index, h-Graph and "Citation Overview". Refer to the quick links in the "Scopus search guide & tutorial" box on the right to access the search guide and tutorial to learn more. i10-Index = the number of publications with at least 10 citations. This very simple measure is only used by Google Scholar, and is another way to help gauge the productivity of a scholar. Advantages of i10-Index. Very simple and straightforward to calculate. My Citations in Google Scholar is free and easy to use. Disadvantages of i10-Index.